Our Founders
Heather and Dustin Rasco started the Haley Rasco Foundation in August 2022 as a way to continue on Haley’s legacy and bright smile into the world. Having a toddler diagnosed with cancer at the beginning of the Covid pandemic dramatically changed their world and perspective on life forever.
Haley spent over 145 days in the hospital and had over 100 doctor appointments during her battle. Heather and Dustin had immense support from family and friends during Haley’s medical journey, helping with their son Dixon, running errands and helping provide meals. However, they know this is not always the case. Caregivers can be overwhelmed with the the simple day to day tasks it takes to care for their child’s special medical needs. They were blessed by so many during their journey, they want to give back in every way they can.
It is the mission of The Haley Rasco Foundation to bring moments of joy to pediatric hospital patients and their families. Whether this means providing Birthdays in Box through their Haley’s Happy Birthdays program, providing a craft, hosting an event at the hospital, or supporting a patient’s families, they know even small moments of joy can make a families medical journey just a bit easier.
Learn about all the programs the Haley Rasco Foundation has to offer.
A message from the Rascos
If you are a patient family, we know EXACTLY how you are feeling. We have been through every emotion possible: fear, hope, joy, disappointment, anger, loneliness, loss, you name it! Our only advice is to enjoy the little moments. No matter how small, trivial or silly those moments may be, SAVOR THEM! One of the best pieces of advice we ever got was from a nurse on the first night we were admitted to the hospital. He said “Look, you’re going to have good days and bad days. Enjoy the good days and know the bad days will pass.”
Whether it’s finally getting a warm cup of coffee, an improvement in vital signs, a morning of medicines without a fight or just a smile from your child, hold onto those. Focusing on those little moments are what get you through the hard days. We would love to share more of
Our Hope with you and tell you about how we make it though every day.